In a distressing series of events, notable fishing celebrity Charlie Griffin, known for his prominent role on the National Geographic’s renowned television show ‘Wicked Tuna,’ met with an unfortunate end in a boating accident near the Outer Banks on March 4, 2024.
Around 11:35 p.m. Sunday, the Coast Guard picked up a disheartening report of an overdue recreational vessel departing Virginia Beach to Wanchese. The last communication with the crew happened around 6:15 p.m. on the saddest Sunday the fishing community has seen in a while. The search involved local first responders and the Coast Guard, who put in a tremendous effort to scout the oceanfront between Nags Head and Rodanthe. Their meticulous search led to the discovery of the ill-fated boat, found south of Oregon Inlet, about 70 yards off the shore in the break.
In the proximity of the wrecked vessel, searchers found an unresponsive human body and a deceased canine. Unfortunately, the medical examiner on the scene confirmed the worst – Captain Charlie Griffin had passed away. The deceased canine was identified as Griffin’s beloved dog, Leila. There were two people reported aboard the ship, and as of Monday evening, one remained unaccounted for. Despite this distressing discovery, the search was set to continue overnight, keeping alive a glimmer of hope for the recovery of the lost passenger.
Soon after this piece of heartbreaking news hit the shores, tributes and fond memories of Captain Griffin started flooding social media platforms. Griffin, known by his fellow seamen as ‘Griff,’ was remembered as an “Outer Banks Original” by local radio host, Jody O’Donnell.
Griffin’s tragic demise deals a colossal blow to the commercial fishing community, particularly the crews from the hit series ‘Wicked Tuna Outer Banks.’ Throughout seasons 2-5, Griffin showcased his adept prowess as a ‘salty fisherman’ and took home the honor of the season 4 winner, further solidifying his position as a treasured member of the community.
The tragic incident occurred in the rough waters of Oregon Inlet, a notoriously unpredictable waterway that joins the Pamlico Sound to the Atlantic Ocean south of Nags Head. The mercurial currents and whimsical weather patterns of the Inlet have marked it as one of the most treacherous marine courses on the East Coast.
The loss of ‘Captain Griff’ will leave a void in the commercial fishing community and his fans worldwide. His untimely demise underlines the hazards that commercial fishermen face every day at sea. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Charlie Griffin during this trying time.
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