In a heartwarming set of events, the charming town of Outer Banks has something to celebrate as the Outer Banks Hotline, a vital resource for those battling domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, has been awarded a whopping $60,000 from the BITCHSTIX annual giving program! This incredible support comes from a pool of organizations that were nominated at a national level, making this recognition even more special.
So, how did this come to be? Well, the credit goes to Kitty Hawk Kites, a retailer known for its commitment to community welfare. They decided to stand behind the Outer Banks Hotline and submitted a nomination that was sent in with great enthusiasm. James Kahle, the marketing director at Kitty Hawk Kites, expressed the nomination’s foundation clearly: “We nominated Outer Banks Hotline because of their incredible commitment to helping survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault in the Outer Banks. Their work aligns with our values of compassion, safety, and empowerment.”
Bronwyn Thornton, the executive director of the Hotline, couldn’t hold back her gratitude. “We are deeply grateful to Kitty Hawk Kites for nominating Outer Banks Hotline for the BITCHSTIX financial award, and to BITCHSTIX for their generous donation,” she remarked. “This support is incredibly meaningful as it helps us continue our mission of providing assistance and resources to individuals and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault in our community. The funds will allow us to reach even more individuals in need, and for that, we sincerely thank both Kitty Hawk Kites and BITCHSTIX.” Now that’s a proper thank you!
The announcement also shed light on BITCHSTIX’s history of giving back to the community and their dedication to supporting organizations at the forefront of fighting against domestic violence and sexual assault. This year’s annual giving reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to social responsibility. Emily Kennerk, the founder of BITCHSTIX, chimed in on the excitement, saying, “We are honored to support the incredible work of Outer Banks Hotline. Their commitment to providing safe shelter and resources to survivors is truly inspiring, and their mission aligns perfectly with our values as a company.” Talk about a match made in heaven!
For the folks at Outer Banks Hotline, this funding isn’t just a bump in the road; it’s a huge leap forward. The Hotline plays a crucial role in assisting those who find themselves in distressing situations, and with this new funding, they can expand their reach even further. Whether it’s providing safe shelter, offering counseling, or connecting survivors with essential community resources, every dollar is going to make a difference.
Outer Banks Hotline is eager to put this funding to work. They are excited and ready to evolve their programs, directly aiding individuals and families needing support. For anyone interested in learning more about their services or how to contribute to their vital mission, the doors are always open! More information can be found at, where you can discover ways to help or seek assistance.
This generous award highlights the strong spirit of community support that is alive and well in Outer Banks. As the Hotline continues its important mission, it is clear that this community stands united against violence and supports survivors every step of the way.
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