Dare Arts to Host LGBTQ+ Art Exhibit in June
Dare Arts, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to encouraging the arts in Dare County, North Carolina, is proud to announce a call for entry for their second exhibit highlighting work by queer artists, set to debut in June 2024 in obsevance of the widely recognized Pride Month. The exhibition, ambitiously titled ‘ Outside Straight Lines: A Visual Arts Exhibition Featuring Queer Artists‘, will spotlight a variety of creative work ranging from paintings, jewelry, fiber art, ceramics, photography, to drawings, and it welcomes contributions from local and regional artists who resonate with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer (LGBTQ+) community.
Dare Arts has launched a web portal on its website, DareArts.org/outsidestraightlines, where interested artists can find the prospectus and sign up for specific times to drop off their work for the exhibition. Veteran artist Suzanne Scott Constantine, who showcased her work at the previous event, expressed her excitement about participating again this year. She highlighted the enchanting diversity of media and subject matters that this platform brings together, underlying the importance of such events in bridging the gap between artists of varying ages and backgrounds.
The exhibit will open its doors to the public with a special reception on Friday, June 7th from 6 to 8 pm at Dare Arts Gallery. This free event intends to provide an opportunity for visitors to interact with the artists and view their work. Interestingly, the opening aligns with the First Friday celebrations in downtown Manteo, providing yet another reason for art enthusiasts to visit.
Another participating artist, Lynne Scott Constantine, emphasized that Outside Straight Lines provides a unique platform for visitors to think about their experience viewing art created by artists who identify as queer. As she put it, the exhibit poses questions like, “What does it do to my experience as a viewer to know that this artist identifies as queer?” Furthermore, she stressed the significance of organizations like Dare Arts that foster a welcoming and supportive environment for young queer artists.
The exhibition will be open to public viewing in the Courtroom Gallery from June 8-29. On the First Friday of June, the event will also feature a live performance by the seven-piece band, The Storyweavers, who will charm the audience with their Americana folk music. The evening will then shift gears to a lively hoop dance by Summer Spins, followed by a spectacular fire performance by Panda Daniels.
In addition to this, the organization has also scheduled various performing and literary art events all through the month as part of their programming initiative, The Dare Arts Pride Project. Detailed information on these events will be available soon.
Reflecting on the success of last year’s Dare Arts Pride Project events, Jessica Sands, the Executive Director at Dare Arts, mentioned how enriching it was to collaborate with new artists and community members. She further emphasized the organization’s commitment to create a safe and inclusive culture that celebrates diversity. She concluded by urging local businesses interested in sponsoring the Outside Straight Lines exhibit or any other Dare Arts Pride Project events to reach out to her at DareArtsInfo@gmail.com. This project is sponsored by the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau and supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
For more information about Dare Arts, visit DareArts.org or call (252) 473-5558. Artists, the LGBTQ+ community and the public in general are encouraged to attend the events and support the vibrant culture Dare Arts aims to cultivate.